Feb 10, 2014 A few weeks ago i re-installed Victoria 2, with the newest patch, and also installed the Pop Demand Mod. The game worked normally until the early 1900's. Ive played as multiple countries and it always seems that around the early 1900's i can no longer justify war with any country. Whenever i click on justify war the tab is completely empty. The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, tricks, and secrets for Victoria 2 for PC. The only cheat I ever installed was a button (in the decision section) that subtracted infamy (“bad boy”/“aggressive expansion”) and could be used for free whenever needed: Adding different amounts of infamy depending on wether your war justification was detected early. Victoria: Revolutions Cheats Codes While playing the game, press F12, type one of the following codes, then press Enter to activate the corresponding cheat function. Find below a searchable list of all events from Victoria II, including those from DLCs (Hearts of Darkness). Use the event ID with the event console command to start an event in the game. Type the name, or ID, of an event to instantly search our database of 920 events.
- Victoria 2 War Justification Cheat Sheet
- Victoria 2 Console Commands List | Commands.gg
- List Of All Victoria 2 Events With Event IDs | Commands.gg
- How To Cheat War Justification? :: Victoria II General ...
Name | Syntax | Description |
money | money [amount] | This command adds the specified amount of money to your current nation's balance. DLC: Hearts of Darkness |
cash | cash | This command only works in Victoria II without the Hearts of Darkness DLC installed (use 'money' command if playing with Hearts of Darkness). This command adds 1,000 cash to your nation's reserves. |
prestige | prestige [amount] | This command adds the specified amount of prestige to your nation. If you do not have the Hearts of Darkness DLC installed, this command will add 55 prestige to your nation (regardless of the amount you enter). |
leadership | leadership [amount] | This command adds the specified amount of leadership to your nation. If you do not have the Hearts of Darkness DLC installed, this command will add 100 leadership to your nation (regardless of the amount you enter). |
goods | goods [amount] | This command adds the specified amount of each good type, and cash, to your nation. For example, specifying 10 after the command would give you 10 more of all goods and 10 cash. |
plurality | plurality [amount] | This command sets your nation's plurailty to the specified number (it does not add the specified amount to your existing plurality). |
revolt | revolt [province id] | This command starts a revolt in the province with the specified ID. You may need to type this command (with the province ID) twice for it to work. |
instantconstruction | instantconstruction | This command toggles instant construction on and off for both your nation and AI nations. With instant construction on, construction completes within one day (almost instantly). |
inc | inc | This command toggles instant construction for your nation (and other human nations) only - AI nations do not have instant construction. Instant construction makes building finish in one day (almost instantly). |
instantresearch | instantresearch | This command toggles instant research on and off for all nations (including those controlled by AI). With instant research on, research completes after just one day. |
inr | inr | This command toggles instant research for nations controlled by humans only (AI nations will not have instant research). When instant research is on, research completes within one day. |
yesmen | yesmen | Use 'debug yesmen' if playing with the Hearts of Darkness DLC. This command will toggle 'yesman mode' for all AI nations. In yesman mode, the AI will always respond favorably to offers and deals. Note that AI will respond favorably to offers from other AI nations too. |
tag | tag [country tag] | This command will switch the country you are playing as to the country with the specified country tag. |
event | event [event id] [province id / country tag] | This command will initiate the event with the specified ID within a specified province or country. |
changeowner | changeowner [country tag] [province id] | This command changes the owner of the specified province to the specified country tag. |
changecontroller | changecontroller [country tag] [province id] | This command changes the controller of the specified province to the specified country tag. |
conquerall | conquerall [country tag] | This command will conquer (in other words, annex) all of the land of the specified country for your own. DLC: Hearts of Darkness |
showprovinceid | showprovinceid | This command will make it so that the IDs of provinces are shown on tooltips when you hover over them. DLC: Hearts of Darkness |
spawnunit | spawnunit [unit id] [province id] | This command will spawn the unit with the specified ID in the specified province. The unit will spawn with full strength and no organization. DLC: Hearts of Darkness |
spawnactor | spawnactor [actor id] [province id] [animation / gun / hat] | This command will spawn the specified actor (e.g. a leader) in the specified province. You can optionally specify an animation, gun, and hat after the actor name and province ID to customize the actor. You can find a lot of the actors, animations, etc in the gfx folder within your Victoria 2 game files. DLC: Hearts of Darkness |
reload | reload [file name] | This command will reload the file with the specified name. Reloading a file will apply changes you have made to it to the game, meaning you don't have to restart the entire game. |
reloadfx | reloadfx [shader name] | This command will reload the specified shader. |
reloadtexture | reloadtexture [texture name] | This command will reload the specified graphics texture (e.g. a PNG file). |
reloadinterface | reloadinterface | This command reloads all of the the game's interface. |
break | break | This command will force your country to surrender to the demands of rebels (provided it has rebels). The rebels that are surrendered to are the top-level rebels in the movement window. |
upperhouse | upperhouse | This command will hold a reelection in the upper house of the nation you are currently playing as. To start an upper house reelection in another nation, use the tag command to switch to that country and then run this command. |
election | election | This command will start a general (common) election in the nation you are currently playing as. To start a common election in another nation, use the tag command to switch to that country and then use this command. |
militancy | militancy [amount] | This command will change the militancy of all populations by the specified amount. Specify a negative number to decrease militancy. |
date | date [yyyy.mm.dd] | This command will change the date to the specified year, or a more specific date in the following format: YYYY.MM.DD (e.g. 1840.3.25). |
fow | fow | This command enables and disables (toggles) fog of war. |
suppress | suppress | This command sets your nation's suppression points to 100. Suppression points are used to suppress revolts, etc. |
minzoom | minzoom | This command opens up an interface that allows you to control maximum and minimum zoom. DLC: Hearts of Darkness |
wireframe | wireframe | This command toggles (enables and disables) the rendering of 3D models as only their wireframes. DLC: Hearts of Darkness |
blockade | blockade [province id] | The command blockades the province with the specified ID. DLC: Hearts of Darkness |
reorg | reorg [province id] | This command 'reorganizes' the province with the specified ID - giving the province 100% organization and maximum strength. DLC: Hearts of Darkness |
fullscreen | fullscreen | This command puts your client in fullscreen (if not already). |
debug allmoney | debug allmoney | This command will show debug information for all money transfers in the game. This is a toggle command - run it again to disable it. DLC: Hearts of Darkness |
debug alwaysdiplo | debug alwaysdiplo | This command will freeze your nation's diplomatic points at 5, making them infinite. This is a toggle command - run it again to disable it. DLC: Hearts of Darkness |
debug alwaysaddwargoal | debug alwaysaddwargoal | This command makes it so that you can add any wargoal you desire, limitations no longer apply. This is a toggle command - run it again to disable it. DLC: Hearts of Darkness |
debug researchpoints | debug researchpoints [amount] | This command will give your nation the specified amount of research points. DLC: Hearts of Darkness |
debug alwaysreform | debug alwaysreform | This command makes reforms instant, you no longer need to wait 1 month before they apply. Requirements for reforms (e.g. +50% upper house favor) still apply. You may need to restart your game to disable this command. This is a toggle command - run it again to disable it. DLC: Hearts of Darkness |
debug influence | debug influence | This command sets the influence of every Great Power (the 8 most influencial countries) to 100. This command's effects also apply to AI countries. This is a toggle command - run it again to disable it. DLC: Hearts of Darkness |
debug cb_use | debug cb_use [casus belli id] [country tag] [country tag] | This command prints a list of all requirements for the specified casus belli (also marking which are met and which aren't) between the two specified countries. The first country you specify is the country using the casus belli. DLC: Hearts of Darkness |
debug invent | debug invent [invention id] | This command will discover the invention with the specified ID for your country. DLC: Hearts of Darkness |
debug market | debug market | This command will enable logging of all price changes to the game.log file. The game.log file is located in the 'Logs' directory. The logs directory is located in the directory the game is installed to (where victoria2.exe is, e.g. your Steam library). This is a toggle command - run it again to turn this feature off. DLC: Hearts of Darkness |
showrails | showrails | This command enables railroad visibility mode, in which all railroads are highlighted for better viewability. This is a toggle command - run it again to turn it off. DLC: Hearts of Darkness |
citysize | citysize [on / off] [size] | This command can be used to override the default maximum size of cities. See argument information for help. DLC: Hearts of Darkness |
fakenewsall | fakenewsall [style name] [seed] | This command generates fake news for each possible type of fake news that is defined. DLC: Hearts of Darkness |
fakenews | fakenews [article name] [style name] [seed] | This command generates fake news for the specified article. DLC: Hearts of Darkness |
reloadnews | reloadnews | This command reloads the database of fake news and fake news styles. This will apply any changes you have made without having to restart the game. DLC: Hearts of Darkness |
newsfrom | newsfrom [path] [style name] [seed] | This command generates news from the specified folder. DLC: Hearts of Darkness |
news | news [file name] [style name] [seed] | This command generates news from the specified file. DLC: Hearts of Darkness |
addresearch | addresearch [tech id] | This command researches the technology with the specified name/ID. DLC: Hearts of Darkness |
lprestige | lprestige [province id] [amount] | This command adds the specified amount of prestige to leaders attached to units within the specified province. DLC: Hearts of Darkness |
popupdate | popupdate | This command enables and disables (toggles) updating populations. DLC: Hearts of Darkness |
popstat | popstat | This command prints to console the amount of active populations that there are. DLC: Hearts of Darkness |
breakally | breakally [country tag] | This command will break (end) all of the alliances of the country with the specified country tag. If you do not specify a country tag, your own nation's alliances will be broken. DLC: Hearts of Darkness |
lua | lua [lua code] | This command executes the specified Lua code. DLC: Hearts of Darkness |
technologylist | technologylist | This command prints to console a list of all technologies. DLC: Hearts of Darkness |
humans | humans [amount] | This command adds the specified amount of humans to your country. DLC: Hearts of Darkness |
window | window [open / close] [window] | This command can be used to open or close a specified GUI or window. DLC: Hearts of Darkness |
randomlog | randomlog | This command enables and disables (toggles) random logging. DLC: Hearts of Darkness |
paint | paint | This command enables map painting mode. DLC: Hearts of Darkness |
rpaint | rpaint | This command enables region painting mode. DLC: Hearts of Darkness |
cpaint | cpaint | This command enables continent painting mode. DLC: Hearts of Darkness |
teleport | teleport [province id] | This command teleports the unit that you currently have selected (clicked on) to the province with the specified ID. DLC: Hearts of Darkness |
tutorial | tutorial [chapter id / reload] | This command will move you to the specified chapter of the tutorial, or reload the tutorial files. DLC: Hearts of Darkness |
copyprov | copyprov | The command copies the province ID of the province you currently have selected to your clipboard. DLC: Hearts of Darkness |
helplog | helplog | This command prints out a list of all console commands to the game.log file. DLC: Hearts of Darkness |
help | help [command name] | If no argument is specified, this command will print a list of all commands to the console. If you specify a command name as an argument, help for that command will be printed to the console. DLC: Hearts of Darkness |
This command will spawn the specified actor (e.g. Well then the satellite will have simply two trade partners, you and it’s owner.
This command puts your client in fullscreen (if not already). Nope, no annex cheat. However Aristocrats, and the workers in the province have some of the least effects on the production unless the player is dealt a desperately bad hand, I’ve never run into a situation like this. If you specify a command name as an argument, help for that command will be printed to the console. news_ai_afraid_of.txt (in the news folder).
Specify a negative number to remove. This command prints to console the amount of active populations that there are.
With instant research on, research completes after just one day.
The name of the fake news style to generate. 4 infantry, 1 hussars, 5 cannons, 1 engineer (1836-1850~), 4 infantry, 1 hussars, 5 cannons, 1 engineer (1850-1880, mid game starts when you can have a substantial amount of troops, late mid starts when you can produce and support many more troops).
A console is simply a text box that commands, often called cheat codes, are typed into. This command enables and disables (toggles) fog of war.
All rights reserved.
Is there an annexation console command? Luxury factories produce the most industrial power, however are not very useful for countries that are Communist or Socialist, they're mostly for standards of living for the wealthy.
spawnunit. This is national focuses. (It's the second row under the culture tab in the research area). Specify 'on' (without quotes) here to override the city size setting, you need to also specify your desired size (up to 100) after. Suppression points are used to suppress revolts, etc. This command toggles instant construction on and off for both your nation and AI nations. This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. This command will initiate the event with the specified ID within a specified province or country.
It's something like 'provid' (to see the province IDs), then 'changeowner [your country TAG] [province ID]'. This command will conquer (in other words, annex) all of the land of the specified country for your own. This is how likely they are to rebel.
newsfrom [path] [style name] [seed] DLC: Hearts of Darkness.
Event 18520 All Population 5% in Favor of Jingoism and Lose 2.0 War Exhaustion or All Population 10% in Favor of Jingoism Event 18530 Gain 1629.21 Research Points Event 18540 Lose 3 Infamy or 2 Infamy and Gain 5.250 Prestige 'changes your national value' Event 18550 Gain 2 Militancy and 10.5 Prestige or Gain 1 Militancy
The master nation ceases to exist, while the puppet continues to exist. Here's a list of all possible hotkeys to open the console (try all of these, one should work!
Victoria 2 War Justification Cheat Sheet
Pressing that key again will close the console. This is done by producing a base factory which is based on the RGOs inside the state, then building more complex factories in that state based on the base factory/s.
454545) to be used to randomly generate fake news. The prestige command will give your nation 55 prestige - to run this command, all you need to do is type prestige into the console and your country's prestige will increase by 55.. The ID of the casus belli you wish to view requirements for. This command can be used to override the default maximum size of cities. A great guide for understanding the art of war is Victoria 2's Art of War.
The log is located at which is located in My documents/Paradox Interactive/Victoria 2/Logs/game.log, and has a format described at [1].
Victoria 2 Console Commands List | Commands.gg
© Valve Corporation. The AI accepts any deal with the player or other AI players. The unit will spawn with full strength and no organization.
The puppet rises to great powerstatus 4. This command toggles instant research for nations controlled by humans only (AI nations will not have instant research). This command will show debug information for all money transfers in the game. When this goes above 25 other countries get an event that lets them declare war on you since you’ve been declaring to much war. I assumed he wanted to annex all of the Netherlands within a reasonable amount of time. This command has the following arguments:
This command will force your country to surrender to the demands of rebels (provided it has rebels). This command generates fake news for each possible type of fake news that is defined. All units in the specified province get 100% organization and full strength. This command toggles instant research on and off for all nations (including those controlled by AI).
this just tells you how many adults are in your country, the higher generally the better. You will need a lot of ports and to research into leveling up your ports for more ships. debug alwaysdiplo DLC: Hearts of Darkness. You need to add a wargoal (-> Diplomacy -> Netherlands -> Show Wars -> Add Wargoal (maybe the population is not behind it, in that case you have to wait, the support usually rises if you make progress). These nations can influence nation which are not great powers.
Finally to the left of militancy is the consciousness, or the head with brain icon. This command toggles (enables and disables) the rendering of 3D models as only their wireframes.
This command will give your nation the specified amount of research points. It doesn't show any message on console when activated or deactivated. How do I get the to be annex? Press the up or down arrow keys to traverse through previously executed commands. Doing this can ruin your industrial economy however so use it wisely and carefully. If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with Victoria II. Certain events and decisions.
This command teleports the unit that you currently have selected (clicked on) to the province with the specified ID.
Commands.gg is not affiliated with any game(s) on this page.
This command enables railroad visibility mode, in which all railroads are highlighted for better viewability. This command will conquer (in other words, annex) all of the land of the specified country for your own.
In case of a land unit, the soldiers will come from a random province.
The country tag of the country you want to be using the casus belli.
List Of All Victoria 2 Events With Event IDs | Commands.gg
The province ID of the province you wish to change the controller of. Optional. It will make your income hit the fan and they’re very weak divisions on their own, especially being only infantry. You require the 'conquest' wargoal in order to completly annex the Netherlands. Right below the word Military on the main tab icon you see Number/Number.
How To Cheat War Justification? :: Victoria II General ...
If that glows that means you can do relations type stuff with other countries, or sphere other countries. This command generates news from the specified file. The rebels that are surrendered to are the top-level rebels in the movement window. This is your current brigades out of max brigades. The amount of money you wish to add to your nation.
reorg [province id] DLC: Hearts of Darkness. I've been wanting to annex entire civilized countries all at once, but to do that I'd need to cheat. Victoria 2 Conquerall Command. Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America), 'serveradress='diplomacy,valkyrienet,com'. All their items that they got through your trade with them will be given back and forth between them and the master.
Victoria 2 Country Tags Below is a searchable list of all countries and country tags from Victoria II on Steam (PC / Mac). The tag command, for example, changes the country you are playing as to the country with the country tag you specify as an argument.
The date to set - given as either a year (e.g. 1850), or a year, month and day in the YYYY.MM.DD format (e.g. The command copies the province ID of the province you currently have selected to your clipboard. For discussion about the game Victoria 2 by Paradox Interactive. debug never works for me. Enter the name of a country, or a country's tag, into the search box to instantly search our database of 225 Victoria 2 country tags .
Generally 80 or 100 Colonial Power is needed for each state that you wish to colonize. The 'debug' part of this command may not be required. In order to civilise you after to meet the requirements for a certain decision. After opening the console, all you need to do is type a command in and hit ENTER on your keyboard to run it.
window Valid commands are: open
The ID of the technology you wish to research.
Or the higher it is the more angry people get when change the government type forcefully. Find below a searchable list of all events from Victoria II, including those from DLCs (Hearts of Darkness). That is how it's done if I remember correctly. This is a toggle command - run it again to disable it. 2. This command 'reorganizes' the province with the specified ID - giving the province 100% organization and maximum strength. An important tip, while having a nation selected in the “Show wars” section of the tab you can see who’s all at war but if you have a selected country you can see it’s allies, and it’s troop and ship count. This article is considered accurate for the current version of the game. The prestige command will give your nation 55 prestige - to run this command, all you need to do is type prestige into the console and your country's prestige will increase by 55. To start the event in a province, enter the province ID of this province here.
Obviously doesn't allow annexing GPs, but you still can tag as GB for example and release the puppets, then annex them with this method and then changeowner what's left.
See argument information for help.
I have no clue how to use Hamachi or Radmin or stuff like that. The hammer will glow green if the player is currently making factories, if the player isn't, it will not glow at all. You've came to the right place. Colonial Negotiations, need additional technology researched.
teleport [province id] DLC: Hearts of Darkness. Higher the tariff the more expensive it is for your people/industries to buy abroad.
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