Prettyearth World Atlas And Maps Gps


To find the exact GPS latitude and longitude coordinates of a point on a map along with the altitude/elevation above sea level, simply drag the marker in the map below to the point you require. Alternatively enter the location name in the search bar then drag the resulting marker to the precise position. The GPS coordinates including latitude and longitude along with the altitude/elevation will automatically update in the map pop-up. Use the map zoom controls to get a closer view of the point you require. Alternatively to show the coordinates of your current location use the Find My Coordinates button below. Your coordinates will update on the map.

World Atlas Minecraft

Learn how GPS works. GPS only gives you the blue dot. It does not provide the map! The private sector is responsible for maintaining the mapping information in consumer devices/apps and online maps. For further help with devices, apps, and maps, please contact the companies that produce them. PrettyMap & PrettyEarth. PrettyMap is a powerful, reliable and fast GIS engine for PDAs and smartphones. The PrettyMap-powered brandable mapping software that is currently available for the Palm and Windows Mobile platforms lets you view vector and raster maps and images (such as country boundaries, cities, rivers, buildings, roads, satellite photos, digital elevation models and topographies.

Pretty Earth World Atlas And Maps Gps 2017

You can also share your location on Google maps using the Send this location button below your GPS coordinates in the map info window. This will create an email with a link to your location on Google maps to share your location with another person.